Relieves abdominal colic of the infant.
Complex action: anticolic, digestive, antispasmodic, soothing.
Clinically proven therapeutic efficacy in reducing crying time in infants.
It can be taken on its own or diluted in milk or tea.
No dyes, no flavorings.
- relieving abdominal colic;
- regulation of intestinal transit;
- relieving discomfort and agitation caused by tooth eruptions, administration of vaccines, etc.
Dosage and method of administration:
- in abdominal colic, administration is done before meals:
- 0-1 month: 6 drops 5-6 times a day;
- 2-3 months: 12 drops 5-6 times a day;
- 4-6 months: 20 drops 5-6 times a day;
It can be given in milk or tea.
- in intestinal transit disorders and in case of tooth eruptions, administration is made as needed:
- 4-6 months: 2.5 ml per day;
- 7-12 months: 5 ml per day;
- 1-3 years: 5 ml 2 times a day.
20 ml