Chlorocalcin oral drops, solution is indicated in:
- conditions requiring increased calcium intake: pregnancy, breastfeeding, rapid growth period, childhood, hypocalcemia due to aging process; rickets – in combination with vitamin D;
- spasmophilia, calciprivy tetany;
- diseases of the skeletal system – osteoporosis, osteomalacia;
- hemorrhages, hemoptysis, postoperative hemorrhages, cerebral hemorrhages, epistaxis;
- albuminuria;
- allergic conditions: hives, Quincke edema, serum sickness.
The recommended dose is:
In children under 10 years:
- Recalcifying:1 drop per year of age and day;
- Hemostatic: 5 drops per year of ageand day;
- Antialbuminuric: 20 drops per day;
- Antiallergic: 15 - 45 drops per day;
- Spasmophilia: 20 drops 3-6 times a day.
In adults:
- Recalcifying: 10 drops 2 times daily;
- Hemostatic: 20 drops 4 times a day;
- Antialbuminuric: 15 -35 drops per day;
- Antiallergic: 20 drops 4 times a day.
One g solution contains 16 drops and one drop contains approximately 2 mg ionic calcium.
50 ml