Menstrophyte with Vitex Tincture, 50 ml, Divine Star

Menstrophyte with Vitex Tincture, 50 ml, Divine Star

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Painless menstruation.
Menstrofit with vitex hydroalcoholic extract maintains the proper functioning of the female genital apparatus, contributes to maintaining the state of physical comfort during menstruation.

Maintains the health of the body throughout menstruation, regulates menstrual flow, anti-inflammatory, hemostatic, soothing, antispasmodic, astringent, uterine tonic, remineralizing;
-menstrual cycle disorders (menstrual pain, menometrorrhagia, etc.);
-premenstrual syndrome (breast congestion, pelvic pain, low back pain, nervousness, irritability, depression, etc.);
-iron deficiency anaemia;
-haemorrhage, haemorrhagic uterine fibroids, menopausal disorders.

30-40 drops of 3× / day, after meals, in a glass of water, or after the advice of the phytotherapist. It is recommended to be administered in courses of 3 months. For maximum effect, it is recommended to use in combination with Menstrofit capsules (for women in the active reproductive period) or Menoprotect capsules (for premenopausal women).

50 ml