Wyzium for Dogs and Cats, 40 tablets

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Additives/ kg: Taurine: 166g- Turmeric extract (Phytosome technology): 55.5 g- Superoxide dismutase (SOD B Extramel): 145 000 IU - Vitamin C: 55.5 g- Vitamin E: 44.4 g- – Zinc (oxide): 5.9g – Lutein: 2 380 mg- Zeaxanthin: 475 mg – Selenium ( Selenometionine): 11.10 mg – Chromium (Picolinate): 5.95 mg. Processed proteins of animal origin – Calcium carbonate.
In older dogs and cats it can be used in:
- delay in the appearance and progression of clouding of the lens
- maintaining the functions of the retina
- maintaining general antioxidant capacities
- Benign and malignant tumors
- cardiovascular diseases
- Inflammatory gastrointestinal and osteoarticular disorders
- immunodeficiency
- reducing the effects of cell aging
PRODUCT DESCRIPTION                                                                                                                
WYZIUM is an exceptional combination of substances that allow maximizing the general antioxidant defense in older animals, as well as delaying the aging processes of the body.
WYZIUM is a unique association of: Superoxide Dismutase (SOD B Extramel - gastricly protected), polyphenols (Curcumin- Phytosome), semi-essential amino acids (taurine), carotenoid pigments (lutein and zeaxanthin), trace elements (Zinc, Selenium, Chromium), vitamins (E and C).
Superoxide Dismutase (SOD B Extramel) is a family of metalloenzymes that has the most powerful antioxidant role in the body (higher than that of flavonoids), preventing the appearance of oxidative stress, which has a destructive role on the function of the body's cells. SOD B Extramel makes every cell of the body more resistant against attacks of free radicals and other harmful substances. Following a 13-year study, due to its supreme antioxidant power, SOD B Extramel is named by Dr. Yoshihide Hagiwara (Doctor of Medicine at Kimamoto University, Japan): "a miracle of the world".
SOD B Extramel acts synergistically with catalase and converts superoxide radicals (the most destructive free radicals) into oxygen and water.
Also, SOD B Extramel expresses an important role in liver protection by supporting phase II of liver detoxification.
Specialized studies on the aging process have noted that organisms that have the highest levels of Superoxide Dismutase have the longest lifespan.
The treatment with SOD B Extramel is effective in the following conditions: liver diseases (hepatitis, cirrhosis, cholecystitis), gastric inflammatory disorders (gastritis, colitis, pancreatitis), eye diseases, cancer, heart disease, osteo-articular disorders (arthritis, rheumatism, fractures), dermal disorders, neurological disorders, diabetes.
Curcumin is a flavonoid extracted from Turmeric (Curcuma longa)- called by GreenMedInfo "the most important plant in the world" – having the following properties:
- anti-inflammatory (the most powerful natural anti-inflammatory discovered) by inhibiting
the activity of COX2 and LOX5 enzymes and the blocking of proinflammatory cytokines;
- Powerful antioxidant (over 100 times higher than vitamin E);
- Anticancer, by inhibiting the proliferation, growth and multiplication of cells with abnormal multiplication, producing their apoptosis and inhibiting neoangiogenesis at their level;
- protects the cardiovascular system (anti-inflammatory at the level of vascular walls - platelet antiplatelet - reduces total cholesterol)
- Improves glucose metabolism (reduces advanced glycolization products – AGEs; improves insulin secretion capacity, as well as cellular sensitivity to insulin - improves the activity of ENZYMES SOD B Extramel , glutathione peroxidase and catalase) ;
- choleretic role and cholagogue

By the Phytosome process, the flavonoid substance (Curcumin) is bound to essential phospholipids (phosphatidylcholine) and as a result, its bioavailability is increased by 7-10 times.
Taurine is a semiessential amino acid, with a powerful antioxidant role, present in large quantities in the retina. In addition to the protection of cells with cones and rods at the level of the optic nerve, it also has the following roles:
- protects SOD B Extramel against the harmful action of homocysteine and hypochlorite in the body;
- reduces advanced glycolization products AGEs (products with a destructive role on the cardiovascular system);
- Improves the body's sensitivity to insulin, by increasing the action of adiponectin;
- maintains osmotic balance in the concentration of Na-K-Ca-Mg; regulates the rhythm and contractibility of the heart muscle, reducing the risk of heart attack;
- Improves fat digestion and balances triglyceride levels.

Zinc is an essential mineral with a role in preventing the occurrence of oxidative stress and in maintaining the normal activity of over 200 enzymes (including the activity of SOD - carbonic anhydrase, carbo-peptide, alkaline phosphatase, etc.). It has an essential role in: the process of division, proliferation and cell growth; stimulation of the production of antibodies; preventing thymus atrophy, being essential for: maintaining the normal activity of cells in the thymus, maintaining healthy skin and hair by activating the monocytic-macrofagal system, vision metabolism, reproduction, cardiovascular protection, etc.

Selenium is an essential mineral with antioxidant properties, stimulates the production of antibodies, enters the composition of enzymes with antioxidant role (glutathione peroxidase and glutathione transferase), protects the body against the action of heavy metals, and in synergy with vitamins C and E slows down the aging process.

Chromium is associated with longevity due to its active role in the metabolism of proteins, lipids (lowers cholesterol) and especially carbohydrates (chromium is involved in insulin signaling pathways); protects the chromosomes from the process of damage; protects the eye against the appearance of glaucoma; intervenes in calcium metabolism, preventing its elimination in excess.

The eye is excessively sensitive to the aging process, following intense and prolonged exposure to light, due to its oxygen needs associated with a high production of free radicals, the lens and retina representing a favorable area for oxidative stress.

This oxidative stress causes at the level of the lens an alteration of the composition and structure of the proteins that form the fibers of the lens (the crystalline lenses), causing its clouding, as well as an oxidation of the fatty acids present in the retinal cell membrane, leading to their premature alteration.

The lens and retina benefit from a very strong natural antioxidant capacity to oppose these alterations, but aging has the ability to influence the content in antioxidants.

Lutein and Zeaxanthin are two carotenoids with antioxidant role in the body. They are found in large quantity in the retina and in the lens. Zeaxanthin enhances the antioxidant effect of lutein. A large number of studies show that Lutein and Zeaxanthin play an important role in preventing and reducing maculate degeneration. They have the ability to absorb UV radiation, thus diminishing the negative effects on the eyes.

Vitamin E protects the polyunsaturated fatty acids in the structure of the cell membrane from lipid peroxidation, as well as the photoreceptors and phospholipids of the liver cell membranes from lipid peroxidation (by forming stabilizing complexes, which avoid very destructive chain reactions of reactive oxygen species). This antifibrosizing activity acts in synergy with that of curcumin and phosphatidylcholine, this being already validated in human practice. It has a role in liver detoxification by activating the hepatic microsomal system.

Vitamin E participates in the process of diminishing the risks of cardiovascular diseases. It helps to inhibit platelet aggregation, reducing the risk of atherosclerosis. Strengthens the immune system and the central nervous system. Protects vitamins A, C, carotenoids against intracellular oxidation (especially at the intestinal level). Vitamin E protects the eyes from the destructive oxidizing processes that occur during the aging process, as well as from the harmful effects of UV rays.

Vitamin C and vitamin E have synergistic antioxidant action in different environments in the body.

Vitamin C maintains the integrity and elasticity of blood vessels (especially those in the retina), contributes to maintaining healthy skin and bones. In addition, it protects the collagen deposits in the cornea. Vitamin C protects the lens, preventing cataracts and glaucoma.

This unique combination of antioxidant substances gives the product the property of delaying the aging processes of the body.

METHOD OF ADMINISTRATION                                                                                                           

Oral route.

1 tablet / day / 15 kg body weight, a single dose, with long-term administration.
The very low levels of phosphorus, potassium and sodium in each tablet are compatible with the diets corresponding to patients suffering from heart or kidney failure.

Indicative doses:
Cat- Dog: < 5kg Half a tablet every 2 days
Cat-Dog: 5-10 kg Half a tablet/day
Dog 11-18 kg One tablet/day
Dog 19-25 kg One and a half tablet/ day
Dog 26-35 kg Two tablets/ day
Dog >36kg Two and a half tablets/day
METHOD OF STORAGE                                                                                                              
Keep in a place away from moisture and heat.
Keep out of reach or sight of children.
Box of 2 blisters of 20 divisible tablets (net weight: 36g)