Zentinor arginine aspartate, 20 oral ampoules, Zentiva

Zentinor arginine aspartate, 20 oral ampoules, Zentiva

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- arginine content (also known as L-arginine), is one of the most versatile amino acids from a metabolic point of view, which has an important role in various physiological and biological processes;
- arginine is an essential amino acid for human development and represents the essential energy source for muscle contraction;
- arginine is mainly synthesized in the kidneys from citrulline and is a precursor of nitric oxide (NO);
- it is a precursor for the synthesis of: proteins, urea, polyamines, creatinine, proline, glutamate, agmatine;
- arginine has a wide range of functions in the human body, which make it vital for general health, it is involved in the Krebs cycle, has a role in the body's acid/base balance, has an important role in cell division and participates in collagen synthesis . 

How to use:
It is used in adults and children over 12 years old.  
1-2 ampoules per day 
The contents of the ampoule should be diluted in a little water and consumed preferably before meals.  
Step 1:
Ampoules have marking rings on both sides at the ends where a predetermined breaking point is present. 
The tips must be broken at the predetermined break points. The solution will flow only when both tips are broken. 
Step 2:
Hold the ampoule at an angle NEXT to the glass you will be drinking from (not on top of it!)  
Break off the top tip by bending it with light pressure. You can use a paper towel to break it with stronger pressure.  
Step 3:
Turn the ampoule upside down (when the solution is still not flowing)  
Hold the ampoule at an angle next to the glass so that only the broken tip is above the glass.  
Break off the second spike. Now the solution will flow.  
Check that the solution in the beaker is free of shards.

20 drinkable ampoules